Why I say "Apple BAD."

Hey, so here’s why I say "Apple BAD" and why I think Android is way better:

1. Locked In with Apple

Once you start with Apple, it’s hard to switch. Their stuff works well together, but you get stuck in their world. With Android, you have way more freedom to use different brands and gadgets.

2. Too Expensive

Apple stuff costs a lot. You’re paying more for the brand than for the actual tech. Android phones give you cool features without costing an arm and a leg.

3. Not Enough Customization

Apple’s iOS is easy to use, but it’s also kinda basic. If you like to change things up, Android is way better. You can customize your phone however you want, with different apps and layouts.

4. Not the Best Practices

Apple’s had some issues with how they run things, like labor practices and taxes. Android brands are often more transparent and better about this stuff.

5. So Many Options

Android has tons of different phones, so you can pick one that fits you perfectly. Apple doesn’t have as many choices, so you’re stuck with fewer options.


That’s why I say "Apple BAD" and why I think Android is the way to go. More choices, better prices, and more customization make Android a better pick for me.
